AMADEUS project established a novel computational framework for analysis of liquid water evacuation in
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs). The core of the model was constituted by
development and computer implementation of a high-fidelity Enriched Finite Element Method (EFEM)-
based model for microfluidics. The model accounts for complex liquid domain shape deformations,
presence of surface tensions as well as including a sophisticated scheme for representing contact of
liquid droplets with solid substrates of given physical/chemical characteristics. The model was
successfully validated using benchmark cases and was applied for analysis of droplets emerging from
Gas Diffusion Layers into gas channel. Additionally, a new hybrid “Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)-
Machine Learning” strategy was developed and implemented for facilitating the simulation of liquid water
propagation through highly complex Gas Diffusion Layer, which can be represented as a collection of
pores and throats. To this end, a two-stage multifidelity model was built combining a low-fidelity neural
network trained essentially using numerous “computationally cheap” analytical predictions (based
on Haagen-Poiseuille law) with a high-fidelity neural network trained with a few data points obtained using
the CFD simulations utilizing the model developed in the first part of AMADEUS. The multifidelity model
predicts the hydraulic conductance of the pore-throat system of an apriori unknown shape by using the
above-mentioned multifidelity machine learning system. The predicted hydraulic conductances were used
in the OpenPNM (open source pore network model) to obtain results that consider the shape complexities
of the pores/throats (a feature not available before). Overall, the established numerical framework allows
analyzing liquid water propagation both in the Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) and the gas channel of the fuel